The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
Archive for: June, 2013

A new threat to endangered tigers in the wild

Christine Dell’Amore Cats and dogs don’t usually mix. But a domestic dog virus is posing a new threat to endangered tigers in the wild, experts say—partly by making them less fearful of people. Forced into increasingly smaller habitats, tigers are sharing more space with villagers and their dogs, many of which carry canine distemper virus […]

Worst Floods in European History?

The floods are feared to be the worst since 2002, when parts of Germany and the Czech Republic were devastated and communities in Austria, Slovakia, Russia and Romania were affected. Seven deaths have been reported in the Czech Republic, while southern and eastern areas of Germany, including Bavaria and Saxony, are also badly impacted by […]

Kangaroo also the victim of climate change

Green Gold

Green Walls May Cut Pollution in Cities

Butterflies spatter the shoreline of the Juruena River in Brazil

Butterflies spatter the shoreline of the Juruena River in Brazil’s new 4.7-million-acre (2-million-hectare) Juruena National Park. Several different species flock to the riverbanks to sip mineral salts from the sand

The tiger and the media

The tiger is the most famous animal in Bangladesh and it’s awesome power is why it has been named the National Animal of Bangladesh.  However the tiger is under threat due to habitat fragmentation, climate change and challenges of sharing the Sundarbans with the 1.5 million people who depend on the forest for their livelihood. […]

Powerhouse Wildfire Burns Through California

July 6, 2013: The California wildfire has destroyed forest and homes in an area just north of Los Angeles. All evacuations were lifted for communities near the Powerhouse fire in the Antelope Valley, officials said Tuesday. “We’re cautiously optimistic that if the conditions continue, we’ll be able to see containment early next week,” said Los […]

Stern action must against culprits:PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said stern action must be taken against those who cut down trees during recent anti-government movements. “Action must be taken against them under the environment act so that no one dares to fell trees in the future again in the name of movements,” she said. The prime minister was addressing […]

িবপন্ন প্রজািতর েসানালী বঁাশ

†mvbvwj i‡Oi e‡j bvg Zvi Ô‡mvbvjxÕ| Gi Ici Avevi meyR †iLv Zv‡K K‡i Zy‡j‡Q AviI eY©gq| `yj©f I wecbœ cÖRvwZi GB euvk GLb Lye GKUv †`Lv hvq bv| gvÎ QqwU Pviv msMÖn K‡i †ivcY Kiv n‡q‡Q| gvm wZ‡bK ci IB QqwU Pviv †e‡o G‡KKwU euvkSv‡o iƒc †b‡e| D`¨v‡b ZLb wPKwPK Ki‡e †mvbvwj is| ïay Ô‡mvbvjxÕ […]

ফুলবাড়িয়ায় না েখেয় মৈমমািছ মারা যােচ্ছ !

              ফুলবাড়ীয়া উপজেলায় যারা মৌমাছি পালন করে জীবিকানির্বাহ করে তারা পড়েছে বেকায়দায়। বছরের খরা মৌসুমে মৌমাছিরা মধু দিচ্ছে না। খাবার খুঁজতে গিয়ে হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে মাছি। সেই সাথে খাবার না পেয়ে মরে যাচ্ছে সেগুলো। মৌ চাষীরা জানান, বছরের খরা মৌসুমে গাছপালা ফুল-ফল পাতা মরে যায়। মৌমাছিরা মধু আহরণ করতে পারে […]




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