চকরিয়ায় ডেঙ্গু রোগের প্রকোপ দেখা দিয়েছে। বিশেষ করে পৌর এলাকায় রোগীর সংখ্যা বেশি। প্রতিদিন সরকারি-বেসরকারি বিভিন্ন হাসপাতালে চিকিৎসা নিচ্ছেন অনেকে। খোঁজ নিয়ে জানা গেছে, গত দুই মাসে তিন শতাধিক নারী-পুরুষকে ডেঙ্গু রোগী হিসেবে শনাক্ত করা হয়েছে চিকিৎসাকেন্দ্রগুলোতে। এদিকে ডেঙ্গুতে আক্রান্ত হয়ে গত রবিবার সকালে মারা গেছেন আবু ইউসুফ জয় (২৮) নামে এক ছাত্রলীগ নেতা। তিনি […]
Oct 31 2018 | Posted in
Bangla Page |
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Millions of pounds’ worth of funding to tackle global overfishing and protect coral reefs will be announced at a major conference in Indonesia this week. Politicians, marine experts and philanthropists will convene in Bali at the Our Ocean conference on Monday to agree commitments on how to address the pressures facing our oceans, including rising […]
Oct 31 2018 | Posted in
Water & Wetland |
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The immensity of a program to reforest large swaths of the Amazon is hard to conceive — it aims to plant millions of trees over a remote area of Brazil roughly the size of Pennsylvania. If that wasn’t a big enough challenge, there’s also the threat seedlings face from dry spells, non-native plants and the […]

In the past year, I have been unfortunate enough to experience two climatic events that shook my home nation, Portugal. Two events that I have never before experienced, and that I am afraid my son, and daughter, my nephews and nieces will experience a lot more frequently in the years to come. Firstly, there were […]

Getting repeated flu vaccines year after year doesn’t reduce their effectiveness in children and, in fact, may boost immunity against some influenza strains, researchers reported Friday. Their findings, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, should reassure parents and doctors worried after reports suggested getting vaccines every year might reduce immunity. The new […]

Extracting valuable elements contained in electronic waste, mostly known as e-waste, such as copper and gold, can be a good source of income in developing or newly industrialized countries, and Bangladesh is certainly no exception in this regard. E-waste can be defined as reuse or recycling of scrapped electrical or electronic devices. Azizu Recycling & […]

On 106 acres in Fishlake National Forest in Richfield, Utah, a 13-million-pound giant has been looming for thousands of years. But few people have ever heard of him. This is “the Trembling Giant,” or Pando, from the Latin word for “I spread.” A single clone, and genetically male, he is the most massive organism on […]

Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that under the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, Canada will implement a revenue-neutral carbon tax starting in 2019, fulfilling a campaign pledge he made in 2015. The federal carbon pollution price will start low at $20 per ton in 2019, rising at $10 per ton per year until […]
Scientists expect climate change influences the geographical distribution of microbes in the soil, but few studies have dug deeply into that relationship. A study published this week in mSystems suggests the connection can drag across decades. After sequencing soil samples from North American and the Tibetan plateau, and comparing those to historical climate records, an […]

The findings come from an analysis of the rates of change of carbon in soil by scientists at Rothamsted Research where samples have been collected from fields since 1843. They are published today in Global Change Biology. The idea of using crops to collect more atmospheric carbon and locking it into soil's organic matter to […]