Qu Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), told negotiators on Monday that as agriculture and food systems are “at the heart of the concept of sustainable development”, they are central to deliberations regarding the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework, which is expected to be adopted at the UN Biodiversity Conference in October. “Biodiversity is fundamental for ecosystems, for human beings, and is the basis of food diversity," said Mr. Qu, opening the […]

Bashundhara showed AQI score of 249 Dhaka has been ranked as the fourth worst in air pollution across all major cities of the world. According to Air Visual at 9:35pm on Friday, Dhaka showed an average AQI (Air Quality Index) score of 179, classified as "unhealthy." However, some parts of the capital city showed higher […]

New York is banning the distribution of single-use plastic bags statewide on Sunday, a move with the ambitious goal of reducing the billions of discarded bags that stream annually into landfills, rivers and oceans. The law forbids most businesses from handing out the thin bags that are ubiquitous in supermarkets, bodegas and boutiques, making New […]

Kolkata: The state Environment department has included Sunderbans in its wetland management plan and has constituted a committee that will prepare a project report on its proper management. The committee in its report will also include an action plan for the protection of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW) – a Ramsar site where illegal constructions have […]

Single-use plastic sachets should be banned, campaigners have said in a letter to the Telegraph as they ask the Government to 'close the loophole' on waste. They argue that despite upcoming bans on plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds, British people have become "slaves to the sachet", and this is causing untold damage to the […]

Waking up to the consequences of dumping plastic in the environment, small and large scale businesses in India are dumping the use of single use plastic. Small-scale changes are already being made. Plastic straws are being replaced by sturdy paper straws and even pasta straws in restaurants, and bamboo is coming out as a strong alternative for […]

Air pollution in Dhaka city is five times higher than the tolerable level, according to a study of the Center for Atmospheric Pollution Studies (CAPS) at Stamford University. The level of air pollution varies at different places. Farmgate area in Dhaka was the most polluted for four years, but Lalbagh of Old Dhaka took the […]
Feb 25 2020 | Posted in
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যেখানে ৫১ থেকে ১০০ স্কোর থাকলে বাতাসের মানকে গ্রহণযোগ্য ধরা হয়, সেখানে রাজধানীর তিন অভিজাত এলাকার স্কোর ৪০০ বিশ্বের দূষিত বাতাসের শহরের তালিকায় আবারও সবচেয়ে খারাপ অবস্থানে উঠে এসেছে রাজধানী ঢাকা। বৃহস্পতিবার (২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি) সকাল ৮টা ১৮ মিনিটে এয়ার কোয়ালিটি ইনডেক্সে (একিউআই) ঢাকার স্কোর ছিল ২৮৭, যার অর্থ হচ্ছে এ শহরের বাতাসের মান ‘‘খুবই অস্বাস্থ্যকর’’ এবং এ অবস্থায় সবাই মারাত্মক স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যার মুখোমুখি হতে পারে। বাতাসের মানের সবচেয়ে খারাপ অবস্থা রাজধানীর অভিজাত এলাকা হিসেবে পরিচিত গুলশান, বনানী ও বারিধারায়। বেলা ১২টায় একিউআই সূচকে উল্লেখিত এলাকাসহ সংশ্লিষ্ট এলাকার স্কোর ছিল ৪০০। অর্থাৎ, এসব এলাকার বাতাসের মান "অতি বিপজ্জনক"। একই সময়ে রাজধানীর মোহাম্মদপুর, লালমাটিয়া ও সংশ্লিষ্ট এলাকার একিউআই স্কোর ছিল ১৫০, যা খুবই অস্বাস্থ্যকর। উল্লেখ্য, একিউআই মান ২০১ থেকে ৩০০ হলে […]

Mymensingh, 15th February, 2020: Single Use Plastic Pollution is an emerging environmental concern. Every year more than 87000 tons of Single Use Plastic is being discarded in Bangladesh according to a study report of Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in 2019. Considering the serious health threats posed by plastic, manufacture and use of […]

Dhaka, 28 January, 2020: More than ten thousand ton of laminated plastic waste is generated from different sources in Dhaka every year, which causes health hazards and environmental havoc. ESDO has conducted a Study on “Thermal lamination films: An Incising Health Hazards and Environmental Havoc of Dhaka City”, which focused exclusively on laminated posters, leaflets, […]