Dhaka, 31, August, 2020: Agriculture has been the most significant sector in Bangladesh economy. This sector generated 38.58 per cent employment in 2019 as against the global average rate of employment of 26.86 per cent employment in agriculture (as a percentage of total employment). Agricultural production has increased in the last few years. However, due to […]

Dhaka, 28 August, 2020: According to UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 'Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. Tourism is considered as a powerhouse particularly for its economic contributions which is the third highest world category […]

Dhaka, 28 August, 2020: One in seven people in Bangladesh to be displaced by climate change in next 30 years and it is irreversible, said the foreign minister The adaptation measures undertaken by Bangladesh to reduce the adverse effects of climate change will not work until the polluting nations take adequate mitigation efforts, Foreign Minister […]

Dhaka, 27 August, 2020: Packing lunch for your little one may be a headache because your child comes back home from school with their food untouched. This can be frustrating and confusing for any parent. In a world where junk food and take-aways are cheap and easily accessible, as a busy mom who is trying […]

Dhaka, 27 August, 2020: MUZAFFARABAD, PAKISTAN-CONTROLLED KASHMIR — Shoukat Nawaz remembers the days when he could enjoy the fresh cold air on his balcony in a three-story house along a riverbank in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Today, a stench greets him as he goes outside. "Now it stinks here. The smell is really […]

Dhaka, 24 August, 2020: By 2050, 70% of the world’s population is expected to live in towns and cities. Urban living brings many benefits, but city dwellers worldwide are seeing a rapid increase in noncommunicable health problems, such as asthma and inflammatory bowel disease. Some scientists now think this is linked to biodiversity loss – the ongoing depletion of the varied forms […]

Dhaka, 24 August, 2020: To avoid animosity with locals responsible for the deaths of wild elephants in the Chattogram region, forest department officials manipulate autopsy reports by attributing the deaths to natural causes and rarely file cases, thus sparing the killers of a critically endangered species. On June 28, a baby elephant was found dead […]

Dhaka, 21 August, 2020: A farmer inspects a papaya fruit tree in a farmland totally damaged by the recent flood at Binadangi of Singair upazila of Manikganj district on Wednesday. — Sony Ramany The ongoing flood has damaged crops worth about Tk 13.23 billion of over 1.2 million farmers in 37 districts between June 25 […]

Dhaka, 21 August, 2020: Our analysts monitoring the situation around the Globe explain that after COVID-19 crisis the market will generate remunerative prospects for producers. The goal of the report is to provide a further illustration of the current scenario, economic slowdown and effect of COVID-19 on the industry as a whole. A New Research […]

Dhaka, 19 August, 2020: You’re likely experiencing negative feelings and concerns because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Common examples include feelings of isolation, worries about finances, frustrations with work and childcare needs, plus the added fears of possible infection and illness from this new virus. Just as adults worry about unexpected changes in our routines and […]