Dhaka, 21 October, 2020: Worldwide, climate change is destroying livelihoods, infrastructure and communities, forcing people from their homes, towns and even countries. In 2016 alone, extreme weather-related disasters displaced around 23.5 million people. This does not include the people forced to flee their homes as a consequence of slow-onset environmental degradation, such as droughts, sea level […]

Dhaka, 19 October, 2020: Bangladesh, like many other countries across the globe, is facing an unprecedented challenge brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. This coronavirus pandemic has hit the Bangladesh society and economy hard, across all walks of life. In a bid to contain the spread of this novel coronavirus, the Government of Bangladesh has taken […]

Dhaka, 19 October, 2020: A scandalous disconnect between the government agencies to streamline and manage clinical waste is posing serious hazards to the public health and environment of Dhaka. But as the health emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic has taken centre stage, the battle to dispose of infectious waste appears to have been sidelined […]

Dhaka, 17 October, 2020: Research finds 59 areas in 147 recycling zones in six divisional headquarters with heavy lead contamination More than one-third of the lead-acid battery recycling factories across the country are seriously polluting the environment, says a research. The research conducted by the Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) indicates that of the […]

Dhaka, 17 November, 2020: Before they made toys, the women of South Chila, Mongla, Bagerhat in Bangladesh made their living from the forest and wetlands. They collected wood and caught fish. This put pressure on the environment, and it wasn’t easy on the women, who faced muggings, prosecutions for illegally fishing and collecting timber — […]

Dhaka, 15 October, 2020: Residents of remote Kalu Mro Para in Bandarban's Lama upazila have called upon the authorities concerned to protect the forest in their village from being destroyed by alleged criminals. The loggers have already cut down around 6,000 bamboos and 40 big trees from the Village Common Forest of Kalu Mro Para. Photo: […]

Dhaka, 15 October, 2020: To stamp out pesticides from our fragile food systems is to protect those most prone to ill health, Friends of the Earth’s senior staff scientist, Kendra Klein explains to Yasmin Dahnoun. From seed to harvest, the food that arrives on our plates is far from its natural form. Whilst the majority of the population trust in farmers, supply […]

Dhaka, 14 October, 2020: Back to school means more germs, but familiar symptoms like sore throats, fevers and sniffles have taken on a new meaning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Public health policies across the country and around the world may require children to get tested for COVID-19 and be symptom-free before returning to school. This means more […]

Dhaka, 8 October, 2020: The South Asian Regional Center of Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) in Dhaka will play a role in scaling up and accelerating the action of adaptation in the region as South Asia is the most vulnerable to climate change. "If you want to scale up and accelerate adaptation action, it's extremely […]

Dhaka, 8 October, 2020: Power generation has got significant boost in Bangladesh thanks to the bold initiative of the current government. It increased from less than 5,000 megawatts (MW) in 2010 to more than four times to 23,000MW in 2019. The 2016 Power Sector Master Plan (PSMP) projects a generation capacity of 60,000MW by 2041. […]