Dhaka, 22 April, 2021: Every year on April 22, Earth Day, the world's most prominent environmental movement, is observed in an effort to make people aware of the Earth's natural environment. Founded by former US Senator Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day was first observed in the year 1970 with the aim to promote the knowledge of ecology […]

Dhaka,15 April, 2021: In 2015, Texas A&M graduate student Christine Figgener recorded a video of her colleagues removing a straw lodged in a turtle’s nostril. The video went viral, inspiring people to take action. Since then, “skip the straw, save a turtle” has become a slogan for people determined to decrease their plastics use. But critics say […]

Dhaka, 7 April 2021: For nearly 400 years, farmers in the southern floodplains of Bangladesh have relied on floating gardens to grow vegetables. Using a method of cultivation called dhap, or known locally as baira, farmers build these soil-free gardens with water hyacinth, an invasive aquatic weed prevalent in parts of Bangladesh, and plant vegetable seedlings […]

Dhaka, 29 March, 2021: There was a general consensus during the middle of last century that economic growth measured by GDP growth is the most powerful instrument to reduce poverty, and therefore by implication reduces income inequality and also improves the quality of life of the people in developing countries. Empirical evidence based on cross-country and […]

ঢাকা, ১৪ মার্চ, ২০২১: জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন রোধে ছাদ বাগান কি সহায়ক হতে পারে? জলবায়ুর পরিবর্তন রোধে’ রাজশাহীর এক কিশোর নিজ উদ্যোগে ছাদে গড়ে তুলেছেন বাগান। ছাদ বাগানের মাধমে কার্বনডাইঅক্সাইডের পরিমাণ কমিয়ে পরিবেশ দূষণ ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন রোধ করা সম্ভব বলে মনে করছে জুবায়ের ইবনে ফাহিম নামের ওই কিশোর। ছাদ বাগান থেকে বিভিন্ন ফলমূল, শাকসবজি যেমন […]

Dhaka, 4 March, 2021: Last week, I wrote about the rather esoteric issue of loss and damage from human-induced climate change and how this issue has been discussed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) over the years, and what might be the possible outcomes at the upcoming 26th Conference of Parties […]

Dhaka, 18 Febuary, 2021: Last week, I wrote about the rather esoteric issue of loss and damage from human-induced climate change and how this issue has been discussed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) over the years, and what might be the possible outcomes at the upcoming 26th Conference of Parties […]

Dhaka, 4 January, 2020: Climate project is being implemented by cutting down trees !! While the government is giving more priority to planting trees to deal with the harmful effects of climate change, it is unbelievable that climate projects are being implemented by cutting down trees. A serious allegation has been levelled against the Implementation Committee […]

Dhaka, 23 December, 2020: While Covid-19 has shaken much of human society, the threat posed by global warming has not gone away. Human activities have increased carbon dioxide emissions, driving up temperatures. Extreme weather and melting polar ice are among the possible effects. What is climate change? The Earth's average temperature is about 15C but […]

Dhaka, 29 November, 2020: 'Unfortunately there is no vaccine for climate change' The world should react with the same urgency to climate change as to the coronavirus crisis, the Red Cross said Tuesday, warning that global warming poses a greater threat than Covid-19. Even as the pandemic rages, climate change is not taking a break from […]