Dhaka, 22 April, 2021: Every year on April 22, Earth Day, the world's most prominent environmental movement, is observed in an effort to make people aware of the Earth's natural environment. Founded by former US Senator Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day was first observed in the year 1970 with the aim to promote the knowledge of ecology […]

Dhaka,15 April, 2021: Personal protective equipment is made of plastic and isn't recyclable. Now it’s being found everywhere on earth, including the oceans. The solution isn’t complicated: Throw them away. You’re out for your daily walk. You see a face mask on the ground. Few want to touch what has shielded someone’s potentially virus-laden breath. So […]

Dhaka,15 April, 2021: In 2015, Texas A&M graduate student Christine Figgener recorded a video of her colleagues removing a straw lodged in a turtle’s nostril. The video went viral, inspiring people to take action. Since then, “skip the straw, save a turtle” has become a slogan for people determined to decrease their plastics use. But critics say […]

Dhaka, 12 April, 2021: Around 93.4% of the Covid-19 related medical waste is not managed properly, says a recent study Although a year has passed since the pandemic unfolded in Bangladesh, the management of highly hazardous Covid-19 waste has not improved as the authorities remain reluctant to develop an effective mechanism. Experts warn that the amount […]

ঢাকা, ৩ এপ্রিল, ২০২১: গ্লোবাল অ্যালায়েন্স ফর ইনসিনেরেটর অলটারনেটিভস – GAIA এর সাথে গ্লোবাল ডে অব অ্যাকশন এর একাত্বতা প্রকাশ করতে, এসডো ‘হোম কম্পোস্টিং ফর জিরো ওয়েস্ট কমিউনিটি টু গো বিয়োন্ড রিকোভারী’ শীর্ষক একটি ওয়েবিনার। ঢাকা: গ্লোবাল অ্যালায়েন্স ফর ইনসিনেরেটর অলটারনেটিভস – GAIA এর সাথে গ্লোবাল ডে অব অ্যাকশন এর একাত্বতা প্রকাশ করতে, এসডো ‘হোম কম্পোস্টিং […]

Dhaka, 28 March, 2021: MERCADONA eliminates single-use disposable plastic products As part of its 6.25 Strategy to reduce the use of plastic by 25 per cent by 2025, supermarket Mercadona has eliminated all single-use disposable plastic products from its stores and replaced them with more sustainable materials. Through this initiative, the company will invest some […]

Dhaka, 22 March, 2021: World Water Day is held annually on March 22 World Water Day is set to be observed in the country on Monday, under the theme “water and climate change.” President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages on the eve of the day, reports BSS. The president in […]

Dhaka, 21 March, 2021: ESDO in association with Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives – GAIA has organized a Media Briefing on ‘Significance of implementing Basel Amendment to Stop Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Plastic Waste’ on 18th March 2021 in a city restaurant of Dhanmondi. The session was inaugurated by Syed Marghub Morshed, Former Secretary Govt. […]

ঢাকা, ১৪ মার্চ, ২০২১: জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন রোধে ছাদ বাগান কি সহায়ক হতে পারে? জলবায়ুর পরিবর্তন রোধে’ রাজশাহীর এক কিশোর নিজ উদ্যোগে ছাদে গড়ে তুলেছেন বাগান। ছাদ বাগানের মাধমে কার্বনডাইঅক্সাইডের পরিমাণ কমিয়ে পরিবেশ দূষণ ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন রোধ করা সম্ভব বলে মনে করছে জুবায়ের ইবনে ফাহিম নামের ওই কিশোর। ছাদ বাগান থেকে বিভিন্ন ফলমূল, শাকসবজি যেমন […]

Dhaka, 7 March, 2021: Lead exposure can cause serious damage to children's developing brains. Pediatricians play a key role in preventing exposure, identifying and treating lead poisoning in patients, and advocating for public health measures to address the problem. How Are Children Exposed to Lead? Since lead was removed from gasoline and paint and reduced […]