International Plastic Bag free Day-2020

Dhaka, 3 July, 2020: International Plastic Bag Free Day 3rd July, 2020
Plastic pollution is extremely dangerous because it is leading to the transportation of invasive species, which can have a catastrophic influence on biodiversity. We are not immune from the impact either. Plastic particles in the ocean attract toxins, which in turn affects us, as the toxins enter the food chain.
International Plastic Bag Free Day is dedicated to heightening awareness about these very real and pressing issues brought about by this most popular form of disposable carrying devices. We are reminded that those bags we pick up from the retailers are used for an incredibly short time, usually under 25 minutes, and are then disposed of. They may pass out of our thinking then, but they do not pass out of our world. Plastic bags remain in the world for anywhere from 100-500 years before finally decaying completely, and have a profound impact upon our environment as a result.
On July 3rd , 2020, ESDO is going to arrange a webinar to discuss the significance of International Plastic Free Bag day and to promote and support a plastic bag free world for the greater sake of public health and welfare. The event will bring together nationally and internationally recognized experts, activists and professionals to share new approaches and ideas to eliminate plastic bags usage from communities.