The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
Archive for: March, 2017

World’s spiders devour 400-800m metric tons of insects yearly – experts

The world’s spiders eat 400-800m tonnes of insects every year – as much meat and fish as humans consume over the same period, a study said Tuesday. In the first analysis of its kind, researchers used data from 65 previous studies to estimate that a total of 25m metric tonnes of spiders exist on Earth. Taking into […]

‘Spinning sail’ rebooted to cut fuel and make ocean tankers greener

An ocean-going tanker is to be fitted with a type of “spinning sail” invented almost a century ago in a step that could lead to more environmentally friendly tankers worldwide. The unusual sails are rotating columns fixed to the deck of the ship, whose interaction with the wind provides forward thrust. The trial is backed […]

Gulf of Carpentaria’s record mangrove dieback is a case study of extremes

One of the worst instances of mangrove forest dieback recorded globally struck Australia’s Gulf of Carpentaria in the summer of 2015-16. A combination of extreme temperatures, drought and lowered sea levels likely caused this dieback, according to our investigation published in the journal Marine and Freshwater Research. The dieback, which coincided with the Great Barrier Reef’s worst […]

The west’s throwaway culture has spread waste worldwide

In 2003, I was told by a restaurant owner on a Thai island that local fishermen used to wrap their lunch in banana leaves, which they would then casually toss overboard when done. That was OK, because the leaves decayed and the fish ate the scraps. But in the past decade, he said, while plastic […]

Rising numbers of great white sharks headed toward Cape Cod, scientists say

Figure rises for second consecutive year, says Massachusetts’ top shark expert, warning of ‘public safety issue’ despite no deaths in state’s waters since 1936. Great white sharks are swimming toward the waters off Massachusetts in rising numbers, scientists say, after a second consecutive year showing an increase in predators to Cape Cod. The latest data from a […]

Coalition colleagues urge Malcolm Turnbull to head off energy crisis

Prime minister told to adopt a domestic gas reservation policy to deal with forecast LNG shortages. The prime minister is under mounting internal pressure to adopt a domestic gas reservation policy to deal with forecast shortages. The chairman of the government’s backbench committee on energy and the environment, Craig Kelly, has said it is something Malcolm […]

Gaggle of Cambridge University students criticise geese-cull plans

Rapidly growing Canada goose population is health hazard but quarter of King’s students sign petition to spare the birds. It’s been an exasperating week for Philip Isaac, domus bursar at King’s College, Cambridge University. It all started with an impassioned letter from students which, invoking the words of Gandhi, called for the peaceful coexistence of […]

Earth’s oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating

Our new study improves estimates of the rate of ocean warming – a critical component of climate change. New research has convincingly quantified how much the Earth has warmed over the past 56 years. Human activities utilize fossil fuels for many beneficial purposes but have an undesirable side effect of adding carbon dioxide to the […]

Conservatives cheer EPA cuts that activists fear ‘will be borne by lungs’

Trump administration’s zeal for deregulation seen by environmentalists as a recipe for fossil fuel cronyism, runaway climate change and toxic water crises Scott Pruitt, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, caused conniptions among scientists this week by claiming that carbon dioxide isn’t the primary catalyst of global warming. Conservative groups and industry, on the other hand, heard […]

Pollution responsible for quarter of deaths of young children, says WHO

Toxic air, unsafe water and and lack of sanitation cause the deaths of 1.7 million under-fives every year. Pollution is responsible for one in four deaths among all children under five, according to new World Health Organisation reports, with toxic air, unsafe water, and and lack of sanitation the leading causes. The reports found polluted environments cause the […]




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