The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
Archive for: November, 2018

Wales ‘Rich soup of life’ in Gwent wetlands at risk from motorway

The Gwent Levels is a low-lying patchwork of wetlands, divided by drainage ditches first dug by the Romans, that is so full of life that conservationists compare its diversity to the Amazon rainforest. But this quiet corner of south-east Wales may soon disappear under concrete if the Labour-led Welsh government gives the go-ahead for a new 14-mile stretch of […]

Surge in marine refuges brings world close to protected areas goal

A record surge in the creation of marine protected areas has taken the international community close to its goal of creating nature refuges on 17% of the world’s land and 10% of seas by 2020, according to a new UN report. Protected regions now cover more than five times the territory of the US, but […]

Severity of toxic red tide tests Florida’s resources for rescued manatees

At the peak of Florida’s red tide crisis this summer, Jon Peterson had to dig deep into Sea World’s storage warehouses to find enough portable pools to accommodate the dozens of sick manatees arriving at a rate of two or three a week. The Orlando theme park’s manager for animal rescues even found himself forking […]

The relationship of indigenous peoples and local communities with wetlands

Today, there are an estimated 370 million indigenous peoples across the world. Although they represent a relatively small portion of the global population, they account for the largest portion of linguistic and cultural diversity on Earth. The lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous peoples are also estimated to contain the majority of […]

Spain sets out plan for 100% renewable electricity by 2050

Spain has set out plans to switch entirely to renewable electricity by 2050, with goals that go further than current European Union plans. Under the new strategy, greenhouse gas emissions from Spain would be cut by 90 per cent compared to 1990 levels by the middle of the century. The nation intends to invest massively in wind […]

Renewable energy to enhance food security across world

Abu Dhabi: Adoption of renewable energy will help ensure food security across the globe, apart from fighting the climate change, a top official of the Abu Dhabi-based International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) said here on Tuesday. “Many developing countries lose 30 to 40 per cent of agricultural harvest due to lack of storage and processing […]

Western lifestyle may cause blood pressure to rise with age

A western lifestyle might be the reason blood pressure tends to rise with age, according to a study of remote tribal communities. Hypertension is a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and in many developed countries, including the UK, the likelihood of developing increases with age. More than a quarter of adults in England have […]

France demands UK climate pledge in return for Brexit trade deal

France is pushing the UK to incorporate future European climate change directives into law automatically in return for an ambitious trade deal with the EU.A large number of member states fear that the UK could enjoy an economic advantage after Brexit if it were able to diverge from European laws and regulations, and they want to use […]

We can’t stop wildfires – we need to relearn how to live with them

Wildfire is an integral part of the Earth system and has been for over 400m years. It is also an important and natural part of many of the world’s ecosystems. Indeed, some ecosystems, such as savannas, would not exist without fire – although others, such as the rainforests, cannot survive with wildfires and so work to maintain a […]

Climate, life and the movement of continents: New connections

A new study by The University of Texas at Austin has demonstrated a possible link between life on Earth and the movement of continents. The findings show that sediment, which is often comprised from pieces of dead organisms, could play a key role in determining the speed of continental drift. In addition to challenging existing […]




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