Dhaka, 31 May, 2020: The coronavirus pandemic has led all of us to stay at home, and children, perhaps are the most affected due to the restriction. They are not going to school, and do not have their normal evening play-time either. Playing games and sports with friends and mates in school and in the […]

Dhaka, 31 May, 2020: The pride of Bangladesh is its rivers, with one of the largest networks in the world and a total of about 700 rivers, including the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Delta. This gives the country a riverine nature which is reflected in the lifestyle, custom, economy, and history of the people of Bangladesh. The country […]

Dhaka, 31 May, 2020: The district was always acclaimed for its fertile soil and high productivity with a recent trend of overusing chemical fertilizers instead of organic ones, to grow larger batches of crops, thus ruining the soil Cultivating with chemical fertilizers is increasing crop production in Kushtia but threatens the fertility of the soil […]

Dhaka, 30 May, 2020: Suddenly everyone — parents, caregivers, workers, employers, policymakers — is acutely aware of child care’s relationship to American labor markets. The Los Angeles Times, HuffPost, The Washington Post, CNN.com and FoxNews.com have run variations on the headline, “You Can’t Reopen the Economy Without Child Care.” It’s a widespread concern because it’s obviously correct. Millions of Americans have been […]

Dhaka, 30 May, 2020: Future of all nations depend on their younger generation, more specifically children. But they suffer numerous kinds of deprivations in developing countries like Bangladesh, especially in the areas of access to education, nutrition and healthcare. The current Covid-19 pandemic has worsened the situation for children to a great extent, as is […]

ঢাকা, ৩০ মে, ২০২০: করোনাভাইরাসে সংক্রমিত হলে আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তি ও তাঁর সংস্পর্শে আসা ব্যক্তিদের আইসোলেশনে থাকতে বলা হচ্ছে। মৃদু উপসর্গ আছে, এমন বেশির ভাগ রোগী বাড়িতে আইসোলেশনে থেকেই চিকিৎসা নিয়ে সেরে উঠছেন। তবে শুধু চিকিৎসা নয়, আইসোলেশনে থাকা ব্যক্তির খাদ্যাভ্যাস আর খাবার পরিবেশনের পদ্ধতির দিকে নজর দেওয়াও ভীষণ জরুরি। ১. করোনায় আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তি একটি আলাদা […]

Dhaka, 23 May, 2020: International Day for Biological Diversity is observed on 22 May to create as well as enhance understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. According to Convention on Biological Diversity, World Biodiversity Day was started at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1993. In December 2000, the UNGA adopted 22 May as International Day […]

Dhaka, 23 May, 2020: The Illinois General Assembly is working to provide relief to families, small businesses and communities that are reeling from the impacts of COVID-19. That relief should include an overdue fix to the state's renewable energy program that can save thousands of jobs while helping lower electric bills for homeowners and businesses […]

Dhaka, 20 May, 2020: The Government of Japan has committed a new contribution of USD 254,545 to improve the coverage of critical Severe and Acute Malnutrition treatment services and thereby reduce child mortality in Sierra Leone. This commitment was formalised at a time when Government of Sierra Leone, Government of Japan and UNICEF are acknowledging the successful implementation of the project "Addressing critical gaps […]

Dhaka, 20 May, 2020: Guava cultivation is gaining popularity among farmers in the eight upazilas of Jashore district for repeated abundant yield and fair prices.Sources said, a good number of farmers have shifted to guava farming as the fruit brings healthy returns. Over 935 hectares of land have been brought under guava cultivation this season, […]