Dhaka, 7 July, 2020: The coronavirus pandemic is profoundly impacting the future of 600 million children in South Asia, UNICEF warned in a report. The UN agency called on governments to take immediate action to protect millions of children and families in the region. “The COVID-19 pandemic is unraveling decades of health, education and other […]

Dhaka, 7 July, 2020: How economic inequality acts as a barrier against climate change adaptation Bangladesh experiences severe exposure to certain risks because of its geo-morphological, demographic, and socio-economic temperament. Agriculture in the haor and char region is also remarkably affected by climatic hazards. It has a tremendous negative effect on water security and food […]

Dhaka, 7 July, 2020: The mass production of plastic has made several sectors dependent on its use for its durable nature and ease of use. But the catch, as we all know, is that plastic gets accumulated in our environment. An offshoot of the problem of such accumulation is the generation of microplastics — caused either […]

Dhaka, 6 July, 2020: Residents of remote Kalu Mro Para in Bandarban's Lama upazila have called upon the authorities concerned to protect the forest in their village from being destroyed by alleged criminals. The loggers have already cut down around 6,000 bamboos and 40 big trees from the Village Common Forest of Kalu Mro Para. Photo: […]

ঢাকা, ৬ ই জুলাই, ২০২০: বিশ্বে প্রতিবছর ৫ ট্রিলিয়ন প্লাস্টিক ব্যাগ ব্যবহার করা হয়, যার পরিমাণ প্রতি মিনিটে প্রায় ২ মিলিয়ন এবং সেকেন্ডে ১৬ লাখ পিস। একজন ব্যক্তি বছরে ৭শ টিরও বেশি পলিথিন ব্যবহার করে। আন্তর্জাতিক প্লাস্টিক ব্যাগ মুক্ত দিবস উপলক্ষে এসডো আয়োজিত ওয়েবিনারে অংশ নিয়ে বিভিন্ন দেশের গবেষকরা এসব তথ্য তুলে ধরেন। এবারে দিবসটির প্রতিপাদ্য নির্ধারণ […]

Dhaka, 4 July, 2020: The plastic bag is the single most issue of plastic pollution and marine litter globally and relating to coronavirus, COVID-19 virus transmits through plastic bags and other single-use plastics. And for that reason on the occasion of “International Plastic bag free day 2020”, experts and activists from around the world emphasize […]

Dhaka, 4 July, 2020: Green activists at a webinar on Friday said that the use of plastic bags was gradually decreasing but it should be stopped soon to save the earth, specially the marine environment. Activists across the world urged the respective governments to enforce law on plastic bag ban as the plastic bags, mostly made […]

Dhaka, 3 July, 2020: International Plastic Bag Free Day 3rd July, 2020 Plastic pollution is extremely dangerous because it is leading to the transportation of invasive species, which can have a catastrophic influence on biodiversity. We are not immune from the impact either. Plastic particles in the ocean attract toxins, which in turn affects us, […]

Dhaka, 3 July, 2020: Are you ready to take the Plastic Free July challenge? Hawkesbury City Council is proud to join in the international Plastic Free July event, and the Mayor of Hawkesbury, Councillor Barry Calvert is encouraging Hawkesbury community members to join in too. Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions […]

Dhaka, 3 July, 2020: The world is marking Plastic Bag Free Day on July 3 alongside Plastic Free July awareness campaign which teaches us that in parallel with global efforts, each individual should learn to make small changes and choose to refuse single plastics we use every day. At the same time, it teaches us that […]