The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
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Child health: How climate change will affect it

“A child born today will experience a world that is more than four degrees warmer than the pre-industrial average, with climate change impacting human health from infancy and adolescence to adulthood and old age,” reads a report published yesterday by The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change – lending a chilling insight into the effects of […]

Science v poachers: how tech is transforming wildlife conservation

It is dry season in a Kenyan national park. A small group of poachers walks along a dried-up riverbed, aiming to kill a black rhino and remove its horns, which could fetch as much as $100,000 on the Asian black market.  The men are concealed by undergrowth on the riverbanks but seen by a poaching […]

Helping countries better monitor and report on forest and land-use under the Paris Climate Agreement

FAO and GEF team up in new project to make forest data more transparent, accessible and available 11 November 2019, Rome – FAO today launched a new $7.1 million project supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to make forest data more accessible, transparent and available, and, in particular, help developing countries to meet the Paris Climate Agreement's enhanced […]

No more two-hour lunch breaks: the slow death of Spain’s menú del día

Restaurants offering fixed-price three-course menús have been a cornerstone of the country’s urban life for decades, but tourism, shorter lunch breaks and gentrification have put them under threat. What will it take to fight back? Food is at the heart of Spanish culture. From social life to business deals, everything revolves around food – above […]

ঢাকার গাছপালাও বড় বিপদে

ঢাকা শহরে দূষণ যেমন বাড়ছে, তেমনি তা মোকাবিলার রক্ষাকবচ সবুজ গাছপালাও কমে আসছে। এবার কোনোরকমে টিকে থাকা সেই সবুজের জন্য নতুন বিপদের কথা শোনালেন বিজ্ঞানীরা। তাঁরা বলছেন, যানবাহনের ক্ষতিকর গ্যাস ও অতিক্ষুদ্র বস্তুকণার দূষণের মাত্রা এতটাই যে ঢাকা শহরের গাছপালা টিকে থাকার ক্ষমতা হারাচ্ছে। যতটুক সবুজ টিকে আছে, তা–ও এ দূষণে কত দিন বেঁচে থাকবে, […]

Some 700 schools to take part in Zero-Waste Day

Students and staff of over 700 Belgian schools are to take part on Thursday in a zero-waste day by taking actions such as avoiding plastic wrappings, the GoodPlanet association, which is the behind the initiative, said on Wednesday. This awareness-building day is part of the European Week for Waste Reduction. GoodPlanet, whose aim is a […]

Noise pollution rules should be tightened to protect wildlife, say scientists

Noise produced by human activities should be better regulated to protect wildlife, say the authors of a study exposing how sound pollution affects myriad creatures from fish to birds. Road traffic, aircraft, ships, factories and oil drilling are all human activities that produce noise, most – but not all – of which is typically below 4kHz. […]

Helping the Environment Through Ecotourism

While tourism benefits local economies, there are some definite drawbacks. Many of the world’s most popular tourist destinations are dealing with overtourism, which is disruptive to the local way of life as well as to natural habitats. A recent example of this is the Mona Lisa painting in Paris. Eighty percent of visitors to the Louvre, […]

Climate Change Poses Threats to Children’s Health Worldwide

The health effects of climate change will be unevenly distributed and children will be among those especially harmed, according to a new report from the medical journal The Lancet. The report compared human health consequences under two scenarios: one in which the world meets the commitments laid out in the Paris Agreement and reins in emissions so that increases […]

Support the African Amalgam Amendment

Support the African Amalgam Amendment to the Minamata Convention on Mercury Dear Parties and Signatories to the Minamata Convention: We, the undersigned dental associations, environmental NGOs, and other civil society organizations, urge you to support, at COP3, the proposed African Amalgam Amendment to the Minamata Convention. The proposed amendment would phase out amalgam in two steps: […]




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