The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
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তিনগুণ শব্দদূষণের শিকার ঢাকাবাসী

ঢাকার প্রধান সড়কগুলোতে চলাচলকারী প্রায় সব ধরনের যানবাহন চালকরা ট্রাফিক আইন ভঙ্গ করে প্রয়োজনে-অপ্রয়োজনে হর্ন বাজান। এ ব্যাপারে তারা কোনো কিছুরই তোয়াক্কা করেন না। ট্রাফিক জ্যামে গাড়ি স্থির দাঁড়িয়ে থাকলেও তারা হর্ন বাজিয়ে যান। আবার রাজধানীর বিভিন্ন স্থানে রাতদিন নির্মাণ কাজের জন্য সৃষ্ট বাড়তি শব্দে আশপাশের মানুষের সমস্যা হলেও স্থাপনাটির মালিক বিষয়টি গায়েই লাগান না। […]

‘Single-use’ named 2018 word of the year

Single-use, a term referring to products – often made of plastic –that are made to be used once and thrown away, has been named Collins Dictionary’s word of the year for 2018. Collins, whose lexicographers monitor a 4.5bn-word corpus to come up with an annual list of new and notable words, said images such as […]

Melatonin and root causes of poor sleep

LED screens and lighting are behind the increasing use of melatonin to combat sleeplessness, according to Dr John Lincoln and Eleanor Levin. Dr Sally Cheseldine suggests a milky drink might help We were shocked by the revelation that over 117,000 people under 18 were given “off label” melatonin prescriptions in 2017-18 (Fears over rise in […]

Increasing soil health and productivity of rice crops

A healthy soil ecosystem is needed for sustainable rice production. However, rice is very different from other crops because it is often grown in flooded fields where the soil is saturated for long periods of time. What is unique with this system, as compared with other cropping systems without soil flooding, is the maintenance of […]

Wind turbines acting as ‘apex predators’ by driving down bird numbers, study finds

Wind turbines can act as top predators in ecosystems by driving down populations of birds and triggering knock-on effects across food chains, according to a new study. Scientists found that predatory raptor birds were four times rarer in parts of an Indian mountain range covered in wind turbines, suggesting they were avoiding the structures. The same […]

Stop biodiversity loss or we could face our own extinction, warns UN

The world has two years to secure a deal for nature to halt a ‘silent killer’ as dangerous as climate change, says biodiversity chief he world must thrash out a new deal for nature in the next two years or humanity could be the first species to document our own extinction, warns the United Nation’s […]

6 ways ordinary people can prevent climate change, according to researchers and advocates

In October, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a leading international body on climate change researchers, released an alarming report. The study found that countries around the world have just 12 years to reduce global warming before it reaches catastrophic levels.Now that we know time may be running out, the question is: What can we do […]

Breeding better Brazilian rice

Outside Asia, no country produces as much rice as does Brazil. It is the ninth largest rice producer in the world. Average annual yields are close to 15 million tons.Rice production in Brazil is a multi-billion dollar industry. It employs hundreds of thousands of people, directly and indirectly.Given the importance of rice farming in Brazil, […]

Ozone layer finally healing after damage caused by aerosols, UN says

Upper layer above northern hemisphere should be completely repaired in 2030s The ozone layer is showing signs of continuing recovery from man-made damage and is likely to heal fully by 2060, new evidence shows. The measures taken to repair the damage will also have an important beneficial effect on climate change, as some of the […]

Fertilizers’ impact on soil health compared

  In a newly published study, researchers dug into how fertilizing with manure affects soil quality, compared with inorganic fertilizer. Ekrem Ozlu of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his team studied two fields in South Dakota. From 2003 to 2015, the research team applied either manure or inorganic fertilizer to field plots growing corn and soybeans. […]




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