Dhaka, 21 July, 2020: To help promote Plastic Free July, CIWM’s technical development executive, Helen Chaplin, shares her top tips for anyone looking to reduce their plastic consumption – good for all year round, not just July. In the bathroom… Dental hygiene Toothpaste tubes are difficult to recycle because they are made of different types […]
Dhaka, 18 June, 2020: (CNN) A Kenyan community whose children and residents were sickened by lead from a battery smelting plant has been awarded $12 million (1.3 billion Kenyan shillings) following a civil lawsuit. The court ordered the government to clean up Owino Uhuru, a village on the outskirts of Mombosa, within four months and gave the relevant agencies 90 […]
Dhaka, 16 June, 2020: As we start 2017 we have many encouraging numbers to be proud of. The country has been sustaining GDP growth at 6.3 percent for the last five years. Per capita income (USD 1,314) is more than twice of that of 2008. Less than 13 percent of us are now extreme poor, half as […]
Dhaka, 16 June, 2020: Plagues and epidemics have ravaged humanity throughout its existence, often changing the course of history and, at times, signaling the end of entire civilizations. Over the last century quite a number of plagues, epidemics have pulverised the human race. The Spanish Flu (1918-1920), Asian Flu (1957-1958), H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic (2009-2010) are […]
Dhaka, 13 June, 2020: In the context of challenges in meeting the SDG targets by 2030 and forestalling the worst effects of climate change at the soonest, the costs of ignoring the relevant science would be too much to bear which were exacerbated by the COVID-19 – and if greenhouse gas emission increases, the risk of […]
Dhaka, 13 June, 2020: One fortunate aspect of COVID-19 is that children have been less directly affected by the disease. But despite the relatively low incidence of severe illness in children, the response to the pandemic may have long-term adverse effects on the health and well-being of children and adolescents. As researchers in psychology, genetics and developmental […]
Dhaka, 11 June, 2020: Believed to be first to do so in the U.S. SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) — The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted a Climate and Ocean Change Policy on a unanimous vote Friday, making them the first state fish and wildlife commission in the nation to adopt such a measure. The policy will […]
Dhaka, 11 July, 2020: Green activists at a webinar on Friday said that the use of plastic bags was gradually decreasing but it should be stopped soon to save the earth, specially the marine environment. Activists across the world urged the respective governments to enforce law on plastic bag ban as the plastic bags, mostly […]
Dhaka, 10 June, 2020: A new report by the environmental health groups EcoWaste Coalition and International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) finds spray paints with dangerous lead concentrations on sale in the Philippines in violation of the country’s law banning lead in paints. The report “Lead in Spray Paints for Consumer Use in the Philippines” provides the […]
Dhaka, 10 June, 2020: The Sundarbans have once again proved to be the key saviour of the country in times of natural calamity as the mangrove forest absorbed the fury of Cyclone Amphan, much as it had done before with similar forces of nature. The forest is a gift of nature to Bangladesh as it […]