Dhaka, 6 April, 2021: Mujibor Rahman (not his real name), an expatriate living in the Middle East for the last 15 years, returned to his home-country in May last year due to the economic fallout in the country of his employmentand the subsequent termination of his job. Rahman, already in his late 50s, worked as […]

Dhaka, 28 March 2021: Saidur Rahman is a village doctor by profession. But he was struggling to make ends meet with the money he earned by serving the people of Ramnatherbhita village in Gaibandha Sadar upazila. Years back, to find a way out, he started growing rice on the one bigha land that he owns. […]

Dhaka, March 21, 2021: Mujibor Rahman (not his real name), an expatriate living in the Middle East for the last 15 years, returned to his home-country in May last year due to the economic fallout in the country of his employmentand the subsequent termination of his job. Rahman, already in his late 50s, worked as […]

Dhaka, 10 March, 2021: Poison- free vegetables are being produced in the crop fields of five villages of Elliotganj South Union in Cumilla's Daudkandi upazila. About 1,200 metric tonnes of vegetables will be produced from the fields this season. This is the lone union in Chittagong and Sylhet divisions where poison -free vegetables have been […]

Dhaka, 4 March, 2021: Agriculture has consistently been the largest sector in Bangladesh, as in several other developing economies. About 50 percent of the population are employed in this sector and about 70 percent people overall depend on agriculture for their livelihood. A significant proportion of the poor relies on agriculture as the key source […]

Dhaka, 28 February, 2021: Farmers in 15 villages of Nilganj union in Patuakhali's Kalapara upazila had no other choice but to produce just a single variety of crop in a year due to salinity in the cultivable land. Rest of the time of the year, they used to catch fish or work as day labourers. […]

Dhaka, 18 February, 2021: Farmers of the south-central districts of Bangladesh, namely Barishal, Gopalganj, Madaripur, and Pirojpur, have been practicing floating agriculture for decades, if not centuries. But over the last two decades, this indigenous, wetland-based agrosystem has turned into something of a "climate celebrity". During monsoon months, floating beds are traditionally made with compactly […]

Dhaka 2 February, 2021: ‘Vermicompost improves the fertility conditions of soil by increasing the availability of nutrients for plants, in turn increasing the farm production’ In 2016, she started small—out of the same premises she lives with her family—more of an experiment than a business. Today, Nasrin Sultana, a resident of Jhikargachha upazila's Barbakpur village, […]

Dhaka, 17 January, 2021: Aquaculture, or the farming of aquatic life such as molluscs, crustaceans and fish under controlled conditions, is a direct antithesis of commercial fishing which is often exploitative and destructive to natural ecosystems. By analysing the aquaculture industry of Bangladesh, the lessons learned can be applied to any society with a restorative […]

ঢাকা, ২ জানুয়ারী, ২০২১: বারাশিয়া গ্রামের মাটি ও কৃষিপণ্যে অতিরিক্ত সিসার উপস্থিতি আছে। তাই সেখানে উৎপাদিত পণ্য পরিহারের পরামর্শ দিয়েছে প্রাণিসম্পদ বিভাগ। মাগুরা সদর উপজেলার বারাশিয়া গ্রামের মাটি ও কৃষিপণ্যের ১১টি নমুনা পরীক্ষায় মাত্রাতিরিক্ত হারে সিসার উপস্থিতি পাওয়া গেছে। এমন পরিস্থিতিতে প্রাণঘাতী সিসার বিষক্রিয়া থেকে মুক্তি পেতে সেখানকার খেতে উৎপাদিত কৃষিপণ্য খাদ্যতালিকা থেকে সরিয়ে নেওয়ার পরামর্শ […]