The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
Category archives for: Wildlife

Campaign to save Kenya’s wild animals – archive, 1961

Nairobi, July 18 One of the little jokes of the last Kenya Parliament was the way Mervyn Cowie, a nominated member, was often referred to as “the Member for Wild Animals.” In this Parliament there is no place for the director of Kenya’s National Parks. Yet the plight of his wild animals is worse today than […]

Legislation aims at fish, wildlife conservation

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Game Commission and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission see the introduction of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act in the U.S. House of Representatives as landmark legislation. It could provide more care for Pennsylvania’s and the nation’s growing list of fish and wildlife with the greatest conservation needs. The bipartisan legislation introduced […]

Belize to protect critical wildlife corridor that’s home to jaguars and more

In a boost to jaguars and other iconic wildlife of Central America, the government of Belize has approved a proposal to protect the Maya Forest Corridor, a key stretch of jungle that could help create the largest contiguous block of forest in Central America. About 20 kilometers (12 miles) long and 7 kilometers (4 miles) wide, the […]

WHO’s recognition of Chinese medicines threatens Indian wildlife

While fans and satisfied patients cheered last month when traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) won World Health Organization approval for treatment of 400 illnesses, the move could pose a significant threat to endangered species globally. Environmentalists and conservationists have decried the action as they believe that several wildlife species are particularly at risk in India. TCM includes […]

Money laundering and the illegal wildlife trade

While it has all the hallmarks of transnational organised crime, the illegal wildlife trade continues to be viewed as being outside ‘mainstream crime’. Frequently linked to other forms of serious crime such as fraud, corruption and money laundering, the illegal wildlife trade generates an estimated US$20 billion annually and is the fourth most profitable criminal trafficking enterprise […]

Wildlife we can still save

Since 1970 we have lost 60 percent of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles around the world as a result of large-scale deforestation, loss of wetlands, grasslands and marine environment. Our activities are destroying nature and wildlife at an extraordinary rate. However, even in a small country like Bangladesh, we still offer shelter to many globally […]

How the world got hooked on palm oil

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there grew a magical fruit. This fruit could be squeezed to produce a very special kind of oil that made cookies more healthy, soap more bubbly and crisps more crispy. The oil could even make lipstick smoother and keep ice-cream from melting. Because of these […]

Climate change may destroy Sundarbans’ tigers in 50 years: Study

A new study has warned that the Sundarbans' famed 'Royal Bengal Tigers' could be gone within 50 years, especially from the Bangladesh part, because of climate change. The study titled 'Combined effects of climate change and sea-level rise project dramatic habitat loss of the globally endangered Bengal tiger in the Bangladesh Sundarbans', carried out by […]

Elephants face ‘time bomb’ in Bangladesh

Standing atop an elephant watch-tower on the outskirts of the sprawling Rohingya refugee settlement in Cox's Bazar, Nur Islam takes great pride in keeping his people safe. Dressed in a uniform of blue T-shirt, navy trousers and a neon yellow vest, Islam is one of 570 Rohingya on the Elephant Response Team, known locally as […]

Happy eco-campers: protecting wildlife in Cambodia

The path to Preak Tachan ranger station, in Botum Sakor national park, Cambodia, snakes through dense, silent forest. It crosses bubbling rivers and clearings where luminous butterflies flit around gargantuan hanging vines and tall wild grasses. It’s The Lost World, Indochina-style. I half expect a dinosaur to come crashing through the foliage. The 1,712 sq […]




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