The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
Category archives for: No Toxic

Is it possible to live without plastic?

For 70 years, the world’s plastic usage has grown inexorably from humble beginnings to a position where humanity now produces roughly its own weight in plastic every year.But is there a turning point in view? Guardian revelations about the scale of plastic waste and the threat it poses has finally prompted the authorities to take the issue […]

Glitter could be bad for environment

Most glitters are in essence teeny tiny bits of shiny plastic, called microplastics. They are a well-known environmental hazard for the world's oceans, and they're currently a hot topic in the United Kingdom. The UK next year will implement a ban on microbeads — a type of microplastic found in face washes, body scrubs and other products. (The […]

Switching to organic farming could cut greenhouse gas emissions, study shows

Converting land from conventional agriculture to organic production could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the run-off of excess nitrogen from fertilisers, and cut pesticide use. It would also, according to a new report, be feasible to convert large amounts of currently conventionally farmed land without catastrophic harm to crop yields and without needing huge amounts of new land. […]

Dramatic rise in plastic seabed litter around UK

There has been a dramatic rise in the amount of litter found on the seabed around Britain, according to new government data. An average of 358 litter items were found per square kilometre of seabed in 2016, a 158% rise on the previous year, and 222% higher than the average for 1992-94. Almost 78% of […]

Human Chain at National Press Club Demanded Ban on Lead Paints

On the eve of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week-2017 (22 to 28 October) a huge crowd of youths demanded ban of lead paint production in Bangladesh. Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in association with IPEN organized the human chain and a rally under the theme ‘Learn the Risks, Educate Community and Ban Lead Paint’ in […]

Coca-Cola Produced More Than 110 Billion Plastic Bottles Last Year

Every second, more than 20,000 drinks in plastic bottles are purchased around the globe. That adds up to more than 1 million bottles a minute and nearly 500 billion bottles per year. It may come as no surprise then that the largest beverage manufacturer, Coca-Cola, reportedly manufactured more than 110 billion plastic bottles in 2016. The environmental activist group Greenpeace claims […]

Assumed safety of pesticide use is false, says top government scientist

Damning assessment by one of the UK’s chief scientific advisers says global regulations have ignored the impacts of ‘dosing whole landscapes’ and must change. The assumption by regulators around the world that it is safe to use pesticides at industrial scales across landscapes is false, according to a chief scientific adviser to the UK government. […]

Declines in Marine, Large Animals Disrupt Earth’s Nutrient Cycle

A new study reveals that in the past large land animals, whales, seabirds and fish played a vital role in recycling nutrients from the ocean depths, spreading them far and wide across the globe and taking them deep inland. However, the paper says massive declines in their populations coupled with the extinction of most of […]

Can We Turn Air Pollution Into Printer Ink?

Particle pollution floating through the air is responsible for millions of deaths annually — what if we could find a way to capture and repurpose those particles into something productive? China’s Smoggy Days Vs. Clear Ones: Photos Anirudh Sharma is doing just that. The MIT graduate has devised Kaala-printer, a machine capable of turning carbon-rich […]

Dangerous Level of Pesticides in Vegetables, Prawn and Dry Fish

Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) has found alarmingly high content of pesticides in vegetables, pawn and dry-fish with pesticides. Among these, the grade of dry fish is the worst. BARI has published this report from a result of testing 454 samples from markets of 12 districts between 2011 and 2014. It says that, if proper steps are not […]




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