Children of parents who are separated are able to move between households during the coronavirus restrictions, minister Michael Gove has said. Some parents were worried they would not be able to see their children if they do not live with them full-time. He initially suggested children should not be travelling between different houses during the […]

Different opinions have been circulating about the use of drugs especially Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine during the Corona virus /Covid-19 pandemic suggesting that either drug is useful for prevention or treatment. As a result, the medicines are currently being searched for by suspecting individuals and as health professionals we shall be asked to advise on the […]

Before plastic bags, there were paper bags, and before that, reusable sacks made of natural fabrics including canvas, burlap or jute. With the gradual ban of single-use plastic bags and the reintroduction of paper and reusable bags, New York, along with many other states and countries around the world, is reverting back to archetypal techniques […]

Although the air of Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka marked a significant improvement on Wednesday morning, it was still classified as ‘unhealthy’ in the Air Quality Index (AQI). Dhaka had an AQI score of 135 at 10:17am. It stood 20th in the list of cities with worst air. Pakistan’s Lahore and India’s Mumbai occupied the first […]

করোনা ভাইরাস (কোবিড – ১৯) বর্তমানে সারা বিশ্বের এক মহা আতংকের নাম। চীনের হুবি প্রদেশের রাজধানী উহান শহরে উৎপত্তি এই মরণ ব্যাধীর ভাইরাসটি এ লেখা লেখার দিন (তারিখ:০৬/০৩/২০২০) অবধি সারা বিশ্বের ৯০ টি দেশে ছড়িয়ে পড়ছে এবং প্রতিদিনই এর আগ্রাসনে দেশ হতে দেশ আক্রান্ত হচ্ছে। আজ পর্যন্ত এ ভাইরাসে ৯৭,৮৮৬ জন লোক আক্রান্ত হয়েছে এবং […]

No new coronavirus infection was found in Bangladesh following the detection of the first cases five days ago and the recovery of two of the three infected patients, said the Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research on Wednesday. Still the IEDCR advised government to dedicate hospitals that were newly built but awaited operation for […]

Dhaka ranked worst in air quality on Wednesday Dhaka has ranked first in the list of cities across the world with the worst air quality. According to AirVisual, Dhaka showed an average air quality index (AQI) score of 189 at 8:51pm on Wednesday. The air quality was classified as "unhealthy" at the time. Residential areas […]

A few months ago Nick Gross wouldn’t have thought twice about taking reusable bags with him when he went grocery shopping. In fact, he wouldn’t have thought about it at all. Now, most of the time he goes to the store he thinks about his reusable shopping bags — usually when he’s in the checkout line and realizes […]

The air quality has been classified as unhealthy Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka, has ranked the worst again on the world Air Quality Index (AQI) — as its extreme air pollution makes it one of the most polluted cities. On the real-time Air Quality Index (AQI) rankings, Dhaka scored 180 at 12:07pm on Saturday, according to AirVisual, […]

Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka ranked the worst in the Air Quality Index (AQI and it was classified as hazardous on Sunday morning. It imposes a health warning of emergency conditions for all. Dhaka had an AQI score of 339 at 07:54am. The air was classified as ‘hazardous’. China’s Beijing and Kuwait’s Kuwait city occupied the second and […]