Focus more on food security, nutrition
Poor countries like Bangladesh should pay attention to ensuring food safety and reducing malnutrition in their efforts to attain food security, one of the Sustainable Development Goals, said an expert yesterday.
Nations such as Bangladesh should also focus on renewable energy to face the challenge of global warming and climate change, said Prof Jomo Kwame Sundaram, a member of the Council of Eminent Persons of the Malaysian government, at a lecture.
The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) organised the lecture titled “Assessing the challenges of SDG implementation: food, energy and inequality” at the Lakeshore Hotel in Dhaka. CPD Chairman Prof Rehman Sobhan chaired the event.
Sundaram, a leading economist and expert on political economy of development, said production and distribution of food is very important. At the same time, the issue of food safety should be considered. He said the use of herbicides and agro-chemicals compromises food safety. “We all are consuming that food and our bodies are going to be affected by these.”
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