Update dental curricula
Update dental curricula
The Minamata Convention lists “encouraging representative professional organizations and dental schools to educate and train dental professionals and students on the use of mercury-free dental restoration alternatives” as a measure to phase down amalgam use. To reach the next generation of dentists, dental curricula must be updated – from classroom lecture…to dental school clinics… to licensing exams.
Why is it effective?
Updating dental school curricula to promote mercury-free dentistry can help phase down amalgam use. Many dental schools still teach amalgam first and then provide instruction on mercury-free dental restorations later. Consequently, dentists tend to rely on amalgam, especially in posterior teeth (back teeth). As a recent study explains, “The risk in providing instruction in amalgam placement techniques before posterior resin-based composite placement techniques is that students base their approach to operative dentistry on outdated principles” (Lynch 2011).