Youth Team from Bangladesh Join Green Youth Citizens Training in New Delhi, India

Five members of Bangladesh’s youth team attended the International Green Youth training from July 20 to 27 in New Delhi, India. The training was organized by the European Commission funded “Green Youth Citizens” project. 27 participants from partner organizations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Romania, Turkey and Spain attended. Under the leadership of Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO, Executive Director Siddika Sultana, Md. Kawser Uddin Maruf, Ahnaf Rakin, Mamunul Hasan and Prianqa were selected by ESDO to join the program. A core focus of ESDO is to build and promote a safe, diverse and sustainable global environment by involving youth and social groups in its work, while simultaneously advancing the socioeconomic and cultural wellbeing of the people of Bangladesh. The training program was based on the discussion of important topics like climate change, living sustainably, youth leadership, media campaigning and more.