The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
Archive for: November, 2017

Plastics found in stomachs of deepest sea creatures

Animals from the deepest places on Earth have been found with plastic in their stomachs, confirming fears that manmade fibres have contaminated the most remote places on the planet. The study, led by academics at Newcastle University, found animals from trenches across the Pacific Ocean were contaminated with fibres that probably originated from plastic bottles, […]

Switching to organic farming could cut greenhouse gas emissions, study shows

Converting land from conventional agriculture to organic production could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the run-off of excess nitrogen from fertilisers, and cut pesticide use. It would also, according to a new report, be feasible to convert large amounts of currently conventionally farmed land without catastrophic harm to crop yields and without needing huge amounts of new land. […]

To adopt marine environment law

Over the years, as the countries are becoming more industrialised, they are facing huge amount of waste with a corresponding increase of hazardous waste. At the same time, environmental awareness has grown and legislation has been developed to control the handling of wastes in general and hazardous waste in particular.  In August 14, 2016, Shitakunda […]

Larvaceans provide a pathway for transporting microplastics into deep-sea food webs

Over the last decade, scientists have discovered tiny pieces of plastic in many ocean waters, and even in deep-sea mud. However, they know very little about how microplastics are transported within the ocean. A new paper by MBARI researchers in the journal Science Advances shows that filter-feeding animals called giant larvaceans can collect and consume microplastic particles […]

From the Everglades to Kilimanjaro, climate change is destroying world wonders

From the Everglades in the US to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, climate change is destroying the many of the greatest wonders of the natural world. A new report on Monday from the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) reveals that the number of natural world heritage sites being damaged and at risk from global warming has […]

Loving Blue Planet? Go one better and take a real submarine trip to the deep

The unknowable expanse of the oceans has become a little more familiar after Blue Planet II. Now it is set to become more familiar still to tourists with enough cash to spare. The BBC series is the most-watched show of 2017, with 14.1 million viewers tuning in for unseen wonders like cannibalistic Humboldt squid, methane […]

Green roofs to reduce the effects of climate change

Researchers from the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of the University of Seville have published a study in which they indicate that it would be necessary to have between 207 and 740 hectares of green roofs, depending on the scenario that is contemplated, to reduce the effects of climate change in relation to the […]

Congo basin’s peaty swamps are new front in climate change battle

Stumbling on submerged roots, attacked by bees and wading waist-deep through leech-infested water, the three researchers and their Pygmy guides progress at just 100 metres an hour through the largest and least-explored tropical bog in the world. The group halt and unpack what looks like a spear, which is plunged over and over again into […]

Tanguar Haor: Accusations fly as unique biodiversity comes under threat

Blue skies overhead, green fields underneath the clear beel and the continuous chirping of local and foreign birds- that is how a nature lover or tourist would describe Tanguar Haor, one of the many significant wetlands located in Sunamganj district.The haor, with its unique ecosystem known for hosting many species of fish and as a […]

2017 set to be one of top three hottest years on record

2017 is set to be one of the hottest three years on record, provisional data suggests, confirming yet again a warming trend that scientists say bears the fingerprints of human actions.The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said temperatures in the first nine months of this year were unlikely to have been higher than 2016, when there […]




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