The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
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Students chowing down tuna in dining halls are unaware of mercury exposure risks

Some students are helping themselves to servings of tuna well beyond the amounts recommended to avoid consuming too much mercury. Researchers surveyed students on their tuna consumption habits and knowledge of mercury exposure risks, and also measured the mercury levels in hair samples. Hair mercury levels were closely correlated with how much tuna the students […]

Lack of reporting of phosphorus supply chain ‘dangerous for global food security’

A new study shows that the lack of reporting on the global phosphorus supply chain can indirectly be dangerous for global food security. Our global food production system uses 53 million ton of phosphate fertilizers annually, processed from 270 million tonnes of mined phosphate rock. Estimates show up to 90% phosphate loss from mine to […]

Which Health Policies Actually Work? We Rarely Find Out

A few years ago, Oregon found itself in a position that you’d think would be more commonplace: It was able to evaluate the impact of a substantial, expensive health policy change. In a collaboration by the state and researchers, Medicaid coverage was randomly extended to some low-income adults and not to others, and researchers have been tracking the consequences […]

Single-use plastics a serious climate change hazard, study warns

The proliferation of single-use plastic around the world is accelerating climate change and should be urgently halted, a report warns. Plastic production is expanding worldwide, fuelled in part by the fracking boom in the US. The report says plastic contributes to greenhouse gas emissions at every stage of its lifecycle, from its production to its […]

Human and food security in South Asia

This world in which we are living is a very insecure and prone place where problems like   poverty, crisis, conflicts, negative peace, natural disasters, economic instability, violence, health problems, environmental issues and deficient food have surrounded a human from all sides. Human is insecure in the presence of these problems and this is what we […]

WWF: the planet is losing forest biodiversity

While we know that biodiversity is on the decline across much of the planet, relatively little attention has been paid to the loss of forest biodiversity. A new report by the World Wide Fund for Nature titled Below the Canopy is out to remedy this shortcoming. This first-ever global forest biodiversity assessment comes with a shocking discovery: between […]

Rohingya refugee crisis through the lens of climate change

One of the depressing aspects of the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh is that we understand the problem and know the solution, but it is difficult to be sure how we will get there and when. Our response to global climate change may add a different perspective to this dire refugee situation. There are three […]

It’s raining plastic in Canada, scientists say. But no one knows the source or toxicity

It’s been raining plastic in Canada, researchers have found in the last two years. And no one knows where it’s coming from. Or what it can do. A U.S. survey published in May, made headlines around the world last week due to its eye-catching title, “It is raining plastic.” According to the survey, geologists researching the effects […]

Death, blackouts, melting asphalt: ways the climate crisis will change how we live

Between record heat and rain, this summer’s weather patterns have indicated, once again, that the climate is changing. US cities, where more than 80% of the nation’s population lives, are disproportionately hit by these changes, not only because of their huge populations but because of their existing – often inadequate – infrastructure. Read More:

What is heavy metal toxicity? A nutritionist explains how it could impact your health

The concern over mercury, and other heavy metal toxins is a hot, and controversial topic for people who worry about their health. As a nutritionist, when my patients give me their medical history, more are mentioning heavy metal toxicity. Others are asking if they need a heavy metal detox. Many of these people are dealing […]




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