A dead sperm whale that washed up on a Scottish beach had more than 220 pounds of tangled netting, rope, plastic and other debris inside its stomach, according to a local whale research group. The 10-year-old male whale was found Nov. 30 on Luskentyre Beach in the Outer Hebrides after becoming stranded on a sand […]

Between record heat and rain, this summer’s weather patterns have indicated, once again, that the climate is changing. US cities, where more than 80% of the nation’s population lives, are disproportionately hit by these changes, not only because of their huge populations but because of their existing – often inadequate – infrastructure. Read More:

12 July 2019: For the first time, the 2019 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Economic Growth Report explicitly includes environmental sustainability considerations. Titled ‘Going for Growth 2019,’ the report has an increased focus on reforms to make growth environmentally sustainable. It calls for the better use of environmental taxation, the phase out of agricultural […]

In June 2019, the Kingdom of Bahrain revealed its plans to ban plastic bags. The move took many by surprise. Ahmed Rajab, a photographer in Bahrain for the Gulf Daily News, is one supporter of the decision. He recalls a sad episode he captured on his camera: “With their bright pink colour, flamingos are so […]

On the shores of Lake Malawi, a crowd eagerly awaits the arrival of a white and yellow cedarwood boat carrying its haul. The crew of six deliver a single net of chambo, sardine and tiny usipa fish from the boat, just one of 72 vessels that land their catch every day on the beach at […]

The results of election 2019 are in and the old government is the new government. What should be its environment and development agenda? To answer this, we must understand the narrative and the results of these elections. In the 2019 elections, development was not an issue—even though there is distress in rural India, employment is […]

HCM CITY — Regional cooperation to preserve the marine environment and ensure sustainable fisheries management and food security in the ASEAN region will be the focus of discussion at an international workshop to be held in Nha Trang in the central province of Khánh Hòa from May 13-15. The event will highlight the effect of marine plastic […]

One of the world’s most common pesticides will soon be banned by the European Union after safety officials reported human health and environmental concerns. Chlorothalonil, a fungicide that prevents mildew and mould on crops, is the most used pesticide in the UK, applied to millions of hectares of fields, and is the most popular fungicide in the […]

Attention has recently been focused on the health of wild nature, first by a report suggesting that diverse UK insect populations are declining at alarming rates (Report, 11 February), and now by one showing pollinators are in trouble (Bees and hoverflies lost from a quarter of British sites, major study finds, 27 March). While headlines […]

The students striking from schools around the world to demand action on climate change have issued an uncompromising open letter stating: “We are going to change the fate of humanity, whether you like it or not.” The letter, published by the Guardian, says: “United we will rise on 15 March and many times after until we […]