Wild coffee species are under threat, with 60% of them facing possible extinction, including Arabica, the original of the world’s most popular form of coffee, researchers say. Most coffee species are found in the forests of Africa and Madagascar. They are threatened by climate change and the loss of natural habitat, as well as by the spread of […]

The overabundance of fast fashion—readily available, inexpensively made clothing—has created an environmental and social justice crisis, claims a new paper from an expert on environmental health at Washington University in St. Louis. "From the growth of water-intensive cotton, to the release of untreated dyes into local water sources, to worker's low wages and poor working […]

Hoosiers had reason to be concerned about their own health and that of the environment around them in 2018. STDs were on the rise, health insurance is set to be harder to obtain, and budgets are being slashed. But, it wasn't all bad: Local environmental rules will continue to be enforced, carbon monoxide testing is […]

Why are factories still allowed to use our rivers as their personal trash cans? Plastic waste poses one of the biggest threats to the environment, with more than eight million tons of plastic making its way into our oceans every year. Nowhere is the extent of this pollution more evident than in the Bay of Bengal, […]

When Henry Kissinger infamously said in 1971 that Bangladesh would be a famine-prone “basket case,” he could not have predicted that less than 50 years later the country would have moved from the brink of starvation to being well on the way to middle-income status, and become a shining star for development success in the […]

Global climate change has become one of the dominant discourses in the scientific and public policy arena. Studies from scientific research show that global warming is now a real phenomenon, as there has been an unusually rapid increase in the Earth's average surface temperature over the past century, primarily due to the unprecedented accumulation of […]

An Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) study looked at the impact and value of rice breeding work of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) between 1985 and 2009 in three key rice-growing countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. For More: http://irri.org/our-impact/reducing-poverty/indonesian-farmers-earn-more-thanks-to-rice-breeding

For Bill Gates, toilets are serious business. The billionaire philanthropist kicked off the Reinvented Toilet Expo in China and unveiled a new toilet that does not require water or sewers, and uses chemicals to turn human waste into fertilizer, Reuters reported. "We are all here for one reason: because more than half the world's population […]

Rice dies within days of complete submergence, resulting in total crop loss. These losses affect rice farmers in rainfed and flood-affected areas where alternative livelihoods are limited. Therefore, the incidences and severity of poverty in these areas are high. For More:http://irri.org/our-impact/increase-food-security/flood-tolerant-rice-saves-farmers-livelihoods

Few people in the world are aware their wellbeing may one day depend on a blue-blooded crab that looks like a cross between the facehugger from Alien and a gigantic louse. Fewer still realise this ancient creature now faces its greatest threat in more than 450m years. The American horseshoe crab outlived the dinosaurs and […]