Dhaka, 4 October, 2020: A ban on single-use plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds has come into force in England. The measure, originally due to start in April, makes it illegal for businesses to sell or supply the items. People in England use an estimated 4.7 billion plastic straws, 316 million plastic stirrers and 1.8 […]

Dhaka, 28 September, 2020: The zoologist also urged people living upstream and downstream of rivers to raise their voice against the pollution Green Planet, a non-profit organization, organized a meeting at the Bangabandhu Hall of Chittagong Press Club on Sunday, marking World Rivers Day. Addressing the meeting as chief guest, eminent zoologist Dr Anisuzzaman said […]

Dhaka, 12 September, 2020: ESDO organized a project inception workshop entitled “Building Zero Waste Communities for a Pollution-Free Environment in Bangladesh” on 12th September 2020 with the relevant stakeholders along with the officials of the Government. Mr Md. Atiqul Islam, Respected Mayor of Dhaka North City Corporation. Besides, Dr A.K.M. Rafique Ahammed, Director General, Department […]

Dhaka, 5th September, 2020: To express the solidarity with the global campaign of ‘J & J Global Week of Action’ ESDO organized a virtual media briefing to talk about the chemical contents of Johnson and Johnson talc-based baby powder in Bangladesh and to sensitize the government to take initiatives to facilitate laboratory-based test for alleged cancer-causing […]

Dhaka, 2 September, 2020: Baby powder is as common as diapers. But is it really safe? Leading baby powder manufacturer Johnson & Johnson announced Tuesday that it would voluntarily discontinue sales of talc-based baby powder in the United States and Canada to focus on products with a higher priority during the coronavirus pandemic. "Demand for talc-based Johnson’s […]

Dhaka, 12 August, 2020: What should we do? -> Contact your dentist by phone or by other means, Floss your teeth regularly, Rinse your teeth daily with lukewarm water to keep them free of germs, Use fluoridated toothpaste, Brush your teeth at least twice a day (after breakfast in the morning and before going to […]

Dhaka, 12 August, 2020: Greenpeace Philippines today joined health experts in calling on the government to promote reusable personal protective equipment (PPE) for non-medical use and boost information dissemination on the safety of reusables to counter supply shortages while still protecting Filipinos from environmental and health harms of PPE-related waste. Health experts from around the […]

Dhaka, 18 June, 2020: (CNN) A Kenyan community whose children and residents were sickened by lead from a battery smelting plant has been awarded $12 million (1.3 billion Kenyan shillings) following a civil lawsuit. The court ordered the government to clean up Owino Uhuru, a village on the outskirts of Mombosa, within four months and gave the relevant agencies 90 […]

Dhaka, 10 June, 2020: Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing urbanising countries of the world. By 2025, 50 percent of Bangladesh is supposed to be urbanised. Cities are growing rapidly. By 2050 the number of city dwellers is supposed to increase by 66 percent (from 4 billion in 2016 to 6.3 billion in 2050). […]

Dhaka, 7 July, 2020: The mass production of plastic has made several sectors dependent on its use for its durable nature and ease of use. But the catch, as we all know, is that plastic gets accumulated in our environment. An offshoot of the problem of such accumulation is the generation of microplastics — caused either […]