The entire citizenship of the capital city of Dhaka is at health risk as the mega-city ranked top again among cities with the worst air quality early this week. It had an AQI score of 298 at 8am. The air was classified as 'very unhealthy' and in this state of air everyone may experience serious […]

The global environment movement Extinction Rebellion earned huge media attention during October, having shut down parts of London for weeks when protesting the UK government’s supposed lack of action relating to the climate emergency. With another rebellion planned for the capital on May 23rd, the issue of climate change and air pollution and the extent of […]

The new coronavirus has infected more than 28,000 people, and at least 563 have died. But relatively few children appear to have developed severe symptoms so far, according to the available data. “The median age of patients is between 49 and 56 years,” according to a report published on Wednesday in JAMA. “Cases in children have […]

Environment and Social Development Organization secretary general Shahriar Hossain said that for low-quality products in the market in Bangladesh was responsible for a sizable e-waste every year while the country had no mechanism of e-waste management. He said that the substandard products flooding the market also cheated the customers out of the prices they pay […]

The threat of air pollution grabs our attention when we see it — for example, the tendrils of smoke of Australian brush fires, now visible from space, or the poisonous soup of smog that descends on cities like New Delhi in the winter. But polluted air also harms billions of people on a continuing basis. […]

রাজধানীসহ দেশের বেশির ভাগ স্থানের তাপমাত্রা কমে যাওয়ায় দেশের বিভিন্ন স্থানে বায়ুর মান আবার খারাপ হতে শুরু করেছে।গতকাল সোমবার দিনের বেশির ভাগ সময় রাজধানীর বায়ুর মান ছিল খুবই অস্বাস্থ্যকর। বৈশ্বিক বায়ুর মান পর্যবেক্ষণকারী সংস্থা এয়ার ভিজ্যুয়ালের পর্যবেক্ষণ অনুযায়ী, গতকাল রাত পৌনে আটটায় বিশ্বের প্রধান শহরগুলোর মধ্যে ঢাকার বাতাস দূষণের দিক থেকে সবচেয়ে খারাপ অবস্থায় ছিল। […]

Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the New York State Department of Health have discovered how a common plasticizer that has been linked with human reproductive abnormalities may damage egg production at the molecular level. Studies in Caenorhabditis elegans nematode worms showed that exposure to even low levels of DEHP (di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) that might be found in […]

The World Health Organization estimates that air pollution causes roughly 3 million premature deaths every year (Vigo et al 2016). Air pollution is a generic term that includes a variety of pollutants including gases, metallic and organic compounds, and particulate matter (PM). Most negative physical and mental health consequences of air pollution are caused by […]

DHAKA (Reuters) – Bangladesh’s High Court on Monday ordered the government to ban single-use plastics in coastal areas and in hotels and restaurants in one year to combat pollution. In 2002 the south Asian nation was among the first countries to ban the use of plastic and polythene bags in an effort to stop them […]

The year 2019 saw both good and bad developments for our rivers. On the good side, the first thing to be mentioned is the High Court’s judgement of February 3, declaring rivers as a “legal entity,” having rights similar to a living person. The High Court appointed the National River Protection Commission as the guardian […]