The wild frontier of animal welfare Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Soil degradation: the problems and how to fix them How We Can Put a Halt to Biodiversity Loss Rhino numbers recover, but new threats emerge Govt afforests over 25,000 hectares of land in nearly three years How to stop discarded face masks from polluting the planet How plastics contribute to climate change Unplanned industrialisation killing the Sutang river ‘Covid-19 medical waste disposal neglected’
Archive for: April, 2019

Last time CO2 levels were this high, there were trees at the South Pole

Trees growing near the South Pole, sea levels 20 metres higher than now, and global temperatures 3C-4C warmer. That is the world scientists are uncovering as they look back in time to when the planet last had as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as it does today. Using sedimentary records and plant fossils, researchers […]

How climate change is pushing Central American migrants to the US

Media outlets and politicians routinely refer to the “flood” of Central American migrants, the “wave” of asylum seekers, the “deluge” of children, despite the fact that unauthorized migration across the US borders is at record lows in recent years. Comparing human beings to natural disasters is both lazy and dehumanizing, but perhaps this tendency to […]

Researchers tap rare pristine air to reveal pollution’s impact

Five years ago, researchers spent three hours packed aboard a steamy Gulfstream-1 research aircraft as it zig-zagged between pristine air over the Amazon rainforest and polluted air nearby. It was like a trip back (and forth) through time, as scientists weaved between the two vastly different settings, snagging air samples characteristic of today's industrial environment […]

Canada warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, report says

Canada is warming on average at a rate twice as fast as the rest of the world, a new scientific report indicates. The federal government climate report also warns that changes are already evident in many parts of the country and are projected to intensify. Canada's Arctic has seen the deepest impact and will continue to warm […]

Climate change: Warning from ‘Antarctica’s last forests’

Scramble across exposed rocks in the middle of Antarctica and it's possible to find the mummified twigs of shrubs that grew on the continent some three to five million years ago. This plant material isn't much to look at, but scientists say it should serve as a warning to the world about where climate change […]

Amphibian Apocalypse: Skin Fungus Kills 100 Frog Species, Global Biodiversity Loss Continues

A killer skin fungus that caused the death of frogs has now been found out to be responsible for damaging biodiversity around the world. Dubbed as the fungus that caused an amphibian apocalypse, this pathogen has affected more living beings than any other disease ever recorded. It has displaced cats and rodents and is the […]

What does air pollution do to our bodies?

The countdown has begun to the launch of one of the world's boldest attempts to tackle air pollution. From next Monday, thousands of drivers face paying a new charge to enter central London. The aim is to deter the dirtiest vehicles in an effort to reduce diseases and premature deaths. The initiative comes as scientists […]

Experts Baffled by Rise of Mysterious Polio-Like Disease in Children

Health officials are alarmed by growing waves of a paralyzing illness in children. So far the disease has only affected a few hundred children in the United States, but the exact cause and best treatment for this disease remain unknown. Known as acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, this rare illness can sometimes cause respiratory failure […]

Biophysicists use machine learning to understand, predict dynamics of worm behavior

Biophysicists have used an automated method to model a living system — the dynamics of a worm perceiving and escaping pain. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)published the results, which worked with data from experiments on the C. elegans roundworm. "Our method is one of the first to use machine-learning tools on experimental data to […]

Surma choked with garbage

Although the local office of the Department of Environment claims that indicators regarding the river's health were acceptable, people living by it are saying that the water is so polluted that some are suffering from skin and stomach diseases. More than 7.5km of the river flows through Sylhet metropolitan areas. During a recent visit, this […]




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